
Below you will find a listing of the general differences in the rules between the NAPA league and the BCAPL league. Please familiarize yourself with these changes.

If you would like to see the full BCAPL rule book, please click the link below:


General Differences

  • During the lag, if your ball makes contact with the side cushion, you lose the lag.
  • During the lag, if your ball makes contact with the foot cushion more than once, you lose the lag.
  • During the lag, if your ball does not contact the foot cushion, you lose the lag.
  • During the lag, if your ball crosses the long string (the imaginary line between the middle diamonds closest to the foot) a second time, you lose the lag.

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8 Ball Differences

  • During the break, if you scratch, the incoming opponent has ball in hand anywhere on the table. They are not required to shoot from behind the head string.
  • During the break, if you snap the 8 Ball, you have the option of either spotting the 8 and continuing your turn at the table, or you may re-rack and re-break the rack. Snapping the 8 on the break is NOT a win.
  • If a foul occurs on the break and the 8 Ball is pocketed, the incoming shooter is presented with the option to spot the 8 and start play with ball in hand, or they may choose to re-break the rack. Snapping the 8 with a foul is NOT a loss.

9 Ball Differences

  • The Three Foul Rule applies to 9 Ball Games. The Three Foul Rule states the following:

10 Ball Differences

  • The 10 Ball Rack still requires the 2 and the 3 balls to be in the rear corners, however, it no longer matters which corner those balls are in.
  • During the break, if you snap the 10 Ball, it must be spotted on the foot location. Snapping the 10 on the break is NOT a win.
  • The Three Foul Rule applies to 10 Ball Games. The Three Foul Rule states the following:

Local Bylaws

West Michigan BCAPL will be using local bylaws to supplement the national rule set. You can find them by clicking the button below.

Local Bylaws